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Showing posts from July 5, 2018

Mind Wellness part 2. If you can identify the negative thoughts that you play over and over in your head, try to design an affirmation that is opposite of those thoughts.

      Tips for Creating Your Own Affirmations · Make them in the present tense, as though they are occurring right now. · Keep them positive (try to avoid using "no," "not," "never," "don't," "won't," etc.) · If you can identify the negative thoughts that you play over and over in your head, try to design an affirmation that is opposite of those thoughts. · Pay attention to how your mind and body react to certain affirmations. They will cue you in to which ones resonate the most with you at a particular time · If an affirmation seems to have lost its hold on you, create or look for a new one. Tuning in to Your Five Senses Have you ever heard a song on the radio and thought, "Wow, that really takes me back!" Or have you caught a whiff of a scent that reminds you of someone you once knew? Whether we are conscious of it at the time, our senses store information and can bring back memories long-forgotten. Even m

About mind wellness. Mind wellness is more than mental health. It is positivity, it is attitude, and it is acknowledging that each of your five senses contributes to wellness.

Mind wellness is more than mental health. It is positivity, it is attitude, and it is acknowledging that each of your five senses contributes to wellness. Creativity is also an important element to mind wellness, and it exists in everyone. Mind wellness is an area that can and will greatly influence all of the other areas of a wellness treatment plan. It does not require mega-intelligence or intellect, though some of those goals may very well be included in a client's plan. It is very important to make the distinction here between layman's mind wellness goals and clinical mental health issues that require a professional referral. Unless you have the education and/or license, do not diagnose or attempt to treat a client in a clinical manner. Furthermore, if you are the client and your wellness coach is claiming he or she can "fix" schizophrenia or chemical imbalances or other such promises without having the necessary educational and professional licenses as proof