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About mind wellness. Mind wellness is more than mental health. It is positivity, it is attitude, and it is acknowledging that each of your five senses contributes to wellness.

Mind wellness is more than mental health. It is positivity, it is attitude, and it is acknowledging that each of your five senses contributes to wellness. Creativity is also an important element to mind wellness, and it exists in everyone. Mind wellness is an area that can and will greatly influence all of the other areas of a wellness treatment plan. It does not require mega-intelligence or intellect, though some of those goals may very well be included in a client's plan.
It is very important to make the distinction here between layman's mind wellness goals and clinical mental health issues that require a professional referral. Unless you have the education and/or license, do not diagnose or attempt to treat a client in a clinical manner. Furthermore, if you are the client and your wellness coach is claiming he or she can "fix" schizophrenia or chemical imbalances or other such promises without having the necessary educational and professional licenses as proof of privilege to practice, you should run from him or her as quickly as possible because it is a scam.
Affirmations are a huge, important tool in mind wellness. With them, clients can quite literally reprogram their mind and change negative behaviors. These are not subliminal messages because the person who uses affirmations has to be active in saying them, writing them, thinking them. The major obstacle to get past is: How can this work? The second is: This feels weird. Saying positive messages to yourself, looking at yourself in the mirror to say them, and writing them repeatedly all seem rather awkward or even juvenile at first. But the longer one does them, the more belief is behind them and behaviors do start to change.
Affirmations can be designed around nearly any topic. Sometimes it can take a few tries for clients to find one that they really connect with, so do not be put off if the first few cause wrinkled noses. It is also okay to teach clients how to make affirmations on their own, so they can try different kinds to find one that resonates with them personally, professionally, and regarding whatever area of life they choose to work on.
Examples of Affirmations for Issues of Mind Wellness
Anxiety: I can handle what comes next.
I joyfully trust in the process of life.
Anger: My emotions do not have to affect my behavior.
I now decide to create thoughts that bring me peace and happiness.
Depression: I can ask for help when I need it.
I am a good person inside and out.
It's OK to feel the way I do.
Frustration: Even though I dislike frustration, I can handle it.
To get pleasant results, I often have to do unpleasant things.
Feeling lost: Everything I need is in me.
All of the answers already lie within me.
Homesick: Home is where I am.
My surroundings have changed, but I have not.
Achievement: What I become is my choice, for only I am the creator of my destiny.
I'm no longer afraid to use the power within me to achieve my goals.
Love: I draw love and romance into my life and I accept it now.
Love is all around me. I feel everywhere. Joy fills my entire world.
Relationships: I choose to see my husband clearly with the eyes of love and
compassion, and I love what I see.
I radiate pure, unconditional love toward my partner.
Tips for Creating Your Own Affirmations
To be continued!!


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