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Showing posts from February 23, 2018

Words from Wisdom. Greatness is a product of goals being pursued and attained through self discipline.

Your dispositions, aptitudes and attitudes reflects your intention. Your intention creates the reality that you experience. Until you become aware of this, it happens unconsciously, therefore be mindful of what you project. That is the first step towards your authentic power. ****************************************** Goals helps us to focus our lives by concentrating efforts in a specific direction. It reminds me of the focused power of light that has been harnessed as a laser beam. Unlike normal beams of light that settles their light delicately around a room. The laser beam is so focused that it can hit a four foot target as far away as the moon with precise accuracy. It can cut a hole through a sheet of metal because its power is so concentrated and foused ****************************************** Under hypnosis or mono-Deism (intense concentration on a single idea). You can do all sorts of things that you are usually unable to do when your mind is unfocused. Under hypnosis th