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Showing posts from November 29, 2017

Reality of life

People will reject you when you fall,but people will condemn  you when you refuse to rise                                                       Unknown.

Take Charge Of Your Thoughts So That You Can Do What You want With Them

People Whose thought are determine by their present circumstances are not taking charge of their thought. Only those who despite their bad circumstances yet  able to put  new  and inspiring  thought into their minds are taking charge of their  thought. Research as shown that 93% of our problems  are not  real, only 7% are real, others are  mere thought,out of these real problem there is a type of problem  which you can't do anything  about, why worry about it? . The first step to solve  a problem  is to clear your mind first, then begin to put in new and courageous thoughts, new plans, new ventures and new ways. Use C R A F T method I. e(Cancel Replace Affirm Focus and Train). Worrying  will never add to your life rather  it removes from it. Jesus in the holy  book admonished us in Mathew 6v27 "Will all your worries add a single moment to your life"?. So why worry! Why?