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Showing posts from November 27, 2017
It really  does not matter how many times you fall, it is the ability to climb up again  each time you fall that matters. Do not measure a person  by how many times he falls,measure him by how  many times he climbs  up again .You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.                          By Magaret Thatcher                          First woman P. M  in                                           European  History


He worked day by day. And toiled by night He gave up play And much delight Dry books are read New things to learn And forged  ahead Success to earn He plodded on With faith and planning And when he won They called it luck Luck they called it

The Super Eagles of Nigeria and The Nigeria's mindset


The Super Eagles of Nigeria and The Nigeria's mindset. This video talks about persistency, there is a difference between winners and champions so also breakthrough and prosperity. Watch this video and find out