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Showing posts from February 16, 2018

Learn to show some respect ! Note that gender, ethnicity, colour, religion, are not the basis for treating anyone

Treat every one you meet very important, this is a pretty useful piece of advice. Whenever you meet someone who is not on your own social and economic level. Respect is the key word. There is never any reason to show disrespect even to your employee, no matter who they are. Even though someone may not know as much as you, have as much money as you, be as old as you, or have a strong personality as you, respect for EVERY individual is a must. Note that gender, ethnicity, colour, religion, are not the basis for treating anyone as different. It is as much a question of your personal foundations as it is to managing people. In fact, the more authority and power you have, the more you need to respect other's feelings and situations. It is part of being a great leader. Consistency is the key, It's no good to be respectful only when you're feeling good.