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Showing posts from June 11, 2019

Acres of Diamonds: The grass is greener on the other side. That was what I thought before I took the ride

                                    . This article came out of a great concern for a country, Nigeria, so rich and endowed but its people still living from hand to mouth. Acres of diamond was the title of a speech delivered by a minister named Russell Conwell. Everywhere he gave this speech, he was urged to repeat it, so much that he eventually repeated it over 5,000 times, verbatim. The story was about an African farmer who upon hearing from a travelling merchant of people going into the interiors of Africa in search of diamonds the diamond rush. He became so excited that he sold his farm and organized a caravan, then off he went with his team. After a while having lost money and forsaken by his group, with all hopes lost he jumped into the ocean - committing suicide, back at the farm with its new owner. The new farmer was feeding his donkey one day by a stream that cuts across the farm, when he found a shinning stone that threw off some light. After a few months, the sa