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Showing posts from February 7, 2018

Life is all about perspective.

You can transform the way  you expereince your failure by shifting your perspective. People believes the grass is always greener on the  other side of the fence. This isn't true, if it is greener it is usually because there is more stinking cow dung over there. Dont punish your self, you haven't picked the the toughest industry, and everyone else isn't doing it easier than you. You simply don't see what goes beneath that layer of green grass where the manure, the dirt, and the mess are doing their job. Everyone is paying the price and the greener the grass, the higher the price people have paid, that includes failure. Thanks for your views and comments. From Maranathatalks. Contact : +2348132337158         

7 lies to success part two, check it out to know why it's a lie

In the area of personal communication, we say that THE MEANING OF COMMUNICATION IS THE RESPONSE YOU GET. If we try to tell someone we love them, and they get upset or hostile, the fact is, our communication may have been the trigger without our knowing it. By retaining responsibility, by changing our actions, we can change our communication-the power to change the result we produce. BELIEF #4: IT'S NOT NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING TO BE ABLE TO USE EVERYTHING. Achievers tend to be time misers-they exact the essence from a situation, take out what they need, and don't dwell on the rest. They know what's essential and what's not. I'll bet that if I asked you to explain how electricity works, you would come up with something between a blank and a sketchy answer. But you're quite capable of flicking the switch and getting the result called light. BELIEF #5: PEOPLE ARE YOUR GREATEST RESOURCE. Individuals of excellence almost universally have a

Success Mindset: How you decide to view and deal with setbacks is one thing that will separate you from the ones who truly fail.

Successful people expect to fail, but do not see it as a load or a negative experience. They also realize that history is no reflection of the future. They know that if you have failed in the past, that doesn't mean you will necessarily fail in the future. On the other hand, they know the previous success does not guarantee your continued success, you need to keep working on it. How you decide to view  and deal with setbacks is one thing that will separate you from the ones who truly fail. How do you cope with stress and anxiety when things are not going your way? How do you stay committed and focused enough to find the answers and keep going?. It is tough but it is essential that you do, by continuing you give yourself the chance to reach the success you aimed for, "quit and you never will". Every successful person has had ups and downs. They may be due to cash flow changes in the market, a competitor's moves, business is about risk and change, so tough times ar


THE SEVEN LIES OF SUCCESS Our beliefs are specific, consistent organizational approaches and fundamental choices about how to perceive our lives and thus how to live them. We don't know if our beliefs are true or false. What we can know, though, is if they work-if they support us. The word "lies" is used in this chapter as a constant reminder that we do not know for certain exactly how things are, and that no matter how much we believe in a concept, we should be open to other possibilities and continuous learning. I suggest you look at these seven beliefs and decide whether they're useful for you. I've found them time and time again in successful people I have modeled. And remember, modeling begins with modeling people's belief systems of excellence. BELIEF # 1: EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON AND A PURPOSE, AND IT SERVES US. Remember the story of W. Mitchell-this was his key belief. Successful people have an uncanny ability to focus on what is po