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Showing posts from January 24, 2018

Modeling, a means of learning

Learning from people who are already doing well. Identity people who do things well, figure out how they do it, and then copy them, it sounds simple but it takes time. It is the secret that has been around since civilization began from Chinese martial art to Renaissance, students have always learned by emulating the masters. This is your only short cut to success. Model around the successes of people you admire and learn from their mistakes. These people are the ones who have done it all and can give you invaluable advice on how to earn, keep and use money. It's a price worth praying no matter how costly the cost may seem at the time.

Knowledge, a major pathway to greatness

Your personal knowledge is the bedrock of anything you want to achieve, the knowledge you have and you have gained is what distinguishes you from everybody else. Knowledge is a very powerful thing for those who possess it and applies it, so continue to learn as much as you can to allow you to maximize your opportunities and to maximize your mistakes. When you know the rules for making money success is lot more easier, and if you keep learning success builds success. With this knowledge you can maximize your opportunities and minimize your mistakes, also with knowledge you can create opportunities you otherwise may not have seen. You can do things you couldn’t do before If you’re observant, interested and committed to learning, any event, person, or situation is a potential teacher. Everything you try that fails is a chance to learn and move on to better things. Anyone you meet could be a mentor who can help you. Being interested in people and what they do opens a wor

The much higher cost. Happiness and personal contentment are your only worthwhile destinations.

Do not be influence by others, no matter who they may be, unless their advice is consistent with your inner voice and feelings, and do not be fooled into buying  into somebody's else's dream (unless it goes in line with what you are dreaming of). It is very easy to follow others, but this won't give you the sense of personal fulfilment and satisfaction you need to be happy. Sticking to your dream and being true to your feelings may at times seem like a huge price. You may go backward financially or emotionally, but not being true to your self has a much higher cost than this short term investment. Happiness and personal contentment are your only worthwhile destinations. This and nowhere else is where you are going.