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Showing posts from November 22, 2017

Giving up is not part of the options you have


Giving up is not part of the options you have


Do you know that the liver is the only organ in the body  that  floats in water?  Do you  know that it takes 7 seconds for food to move  from the mouth to the stomach? Do you also know that even if one is turned upside down food will still get to the stomach?  Am sure you don't also know that the brain,I mean your brain can store  information that is five times the content of the Encyclopedae Britannica? Do you know that  Religious  war have claimed more lifes than any other thing in the world?   Do you know that "Anaidea" is a Greek word used only once in the Bible?,and it means to be "shameless " Do you know  that some animals such as pigeons, dolphins, navigates  using the earth's magnetic field Do you know  that the Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest  ocean. It is more than twice as big as the second largest  ocean, the Atlantic  and  it is wide enough to fit all the continents and deep enough  to swallow Mount Everest  the world's  hi