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Showing posts from January 16, 2018

The power of building healthy relationships

It is vital that you invest all the time and emotion necessary to build and maintain a high quality home life. When your family is solid and secured, characterised by warm loving relationships, you will do better in every thing else in the outer world. But if something goes wrong in your home due to lack of attention or neglect, it will soon affect your your results at work in a negative way. Problems at home distracts your attention and drain your energy. They can often sabotage your career. Resolve to be a relationship expert, always treat people with kindness, courtesy, and compassion . Practice the golden rule " Do unto others as you will have them do unto you". Above all, the simplest strategy is to treat everyone you meet at home or at work like a "million Dollar customer". Treat other people as though they are the most important people in the world. Teat them as though they are capable of buying a million dollar worth of your product and service. Everyd