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Showing posts from May 21, 2018

The Power of the mind part 2. The key to visualizing is to always visualize that you already have what you desire.

Visualizations We live in an immense quantum sea of vibrating energy that is responsive to how and what we think. Our thoughts are creative forces and are constantly expressing themselves in our lives. Once we realize this, we can begin designing our lives with clarity and purpose. So how can we use this reality in our lives? By focusing daily on what you desire. The Mind Power system consists of easily learned techniques that help you focus and direct your thoughts, and the first technique you’ll learn is visualization. What is visualization? Visualization is simply a mental rehearsal. You create images in your mind of having or doing whatever it is that you want. You then repeat these images over and over again, daily for about five minutes a day. In your five-minute practice, use your imagination to see yourself being successful in whatever goal you may have. What you focus on, you attract. The key to visualizing is to always visualize that you already have what you