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Showing posts from December 25, 2017


What is the Boxing Day about?  The origin of Boxing Day are steeped in mystery, but there are a number of theories as to how the day emanated and got christened.  One suggestion is that the name comes from the centuries old tradition whereby churches would leave money boxes out for the poor on Christmas Day, before opening them on December 26. Another says that large sailing ships would carry a sealed box of coins on board for good luck. Upon the ship’s successful return, the box would be given to a church and the money handed to poor at Christmas.   However, the best known theory states that Boxing Day is named after the practice of wealthy aristocrats giving boxes and gifts to their servants one day after Christmas.  Traditionally, servants would work on Christmas Day but were given the next day off to spend with their families. As well as the UK, Boxing Day is celebrated in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and some other Commonwealth nations. It is not forma

Merry Christmas


Prepare for failure! Your preparation for failure is the one that empower you and push you to make the best of the failure when it occurs, because most great destinities must pass failure bus stop. If you have tried and met with failure, if you have planned and watched your plans as they were crushed before you eyes. Just remember that the greatest man in all history were the product of courage, and courage you know is born in the cradle of adversity. 

My Winning Streak for you this Christmas

Winning is great, sure but if you are really going to do something in life,the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defect,and go on to win again. You are going to be a champion someday.                       By Wilma Rudolph                       An athlete &Olympian Triple                             gold Medalist         Merry Christmas to all my viewers all over the world. I love you all