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What is the Boxing Day about? 
The origin of Boxing Day are steeped in mystery, but there are a number of theories as to how the day emanated and got christened. 
One suggestion is that the name comes from the centuries old tradition whereby churches would leave money boxes out for the poor on Christmas Day, before opening them on December 26.
Another says that large sailing ships would carry a sealed box of coins on board for good luck. Upon the ship’s successful return, the box would be given to a church and the money handed to poor at Christmas.  
However, the best known theory states that Boxing Day is named after the practice of wealthy aristocrats giving boxes and gifts to their servants one day after Christmas. 
Traditionally, servants would work on Christmas Day but were given the next day off to spend with their families.
As well as the UK, Boxing Day is celebrated in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and some other Commonwealth nations.
It is not formally recognised in the United States, though some Federal offices and services sometimes operate a limited service on the day. 
Here is what Australians thinks :
Since We do not have servants any more, but perhaps we could all think about an act of charity or "boxing" today, especially as about 7000 Australian families this holiday season are homeless. Watching Pommie wickets tumble or snaffling a cheap computer is fun, but renewing the buried spirit of generosity associated with Boxing Day, in a new context, would be a welcome change to how we celebrate the day after Christmas.
In Nigeria boxing day is also been recognise and observe , But my question to every Nigerian is this, beyond boxing day being a public holiday being declared annually by Nigeria Goverment, of what effect does it have with the less previlede amidst us. Do we have a mental caption and the real understanding behind this special day? 
I think our resolution should be like the Australians who sees boxing day as a day for "Charity"

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  1. This is deep. Amazing. Yes, we always assume the titles and adopt what l they do but never the acts that birthed what they do. We should make it also a day of charity and make it count. Thanks brother.


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