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Showing posts from January 11, 2018


As a fond mother, when the day is o'er,  Leads by the hand her little child to bed,  Half willing, half reluctant to be led,  And leave his broken playthings on the floor,  Still gazing at them through the open door,  Nor wholly reassured and comforted  By promises of others in their stead,  Which though more splendid, may not please him more;  So Nature deals with us, and takes away  Our playthings one by one, and by the hand  Leads us to rest so gently, that we go  Scarce knowing if we wish to go or stay,  Being too full of sleep to understand  How far the unknown transcends the what we know. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Honesty is beautiful  Kindness is beautiful  Intelligence is beautiful  Talent is beautiful  Beautiful is a romance with such abundance  Beautiful are the flowers that roam the earth  Beautiful is awaking to the sound of singing birds  Beautiful is a disguise  Playing hide and seek inside and outside  Beautiful is as naked as the rising sun  Beautiful is delightful and truthful  Beautiful is the golden daylight that shines  And the taste of sweet colored red wine  Beautiful was never ever created by mistake  Beautiful is the ingredient we bake life's cake  When all or nothing is at stake  I am beautiful  You are beautiful  We are beautiful  Beautiful is great  Beautiful is sweet  Beautiful is love  Beautiful is power  Come to me Mr. & Mrs. Beautiful  Let me into your little secret  Of why you are so obedient and dutiful      By Sylvia Chidi