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Showing posts from December 5, 2017


Some people prefer to buy shirt. And spent less on health. For others, they can purchase skirts. Even though their  natural suit, the skin is dirty and shabby. The truth that elude them is that, it takes less to maintain the wealth of health. As against  their thought caged in luxury. Till consciously in negligence their body they bury.


The test of a man is the fight he makes. The strength that he daily shows; The way he stands on his feet and takes Fate's numerous bumps and blows. A coward can smile where there is naught to fear; When nothing his progress bars. But it takes man to stand up and cheer While some others follow stars It isn't the victory, after all. But the fight that a brother makes. The man who, driven against the wall, Still stands up erect and takes The blows of fate with his head held high. Bleeding and bruised, and pale Is the Man who'll  win in the by and by For he is the one who dares never to give up.                                                         Adapted from "Dare to fail"