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Showing posts from March 29, 2019

The Power of Promise. Keeping to promise is a great virtue and it's a virtue every one must have.

Have you heard about this saying that; Promise is a debt. Keeping to promise is a great virtue and it's a virtue every one must have. No promise is too small to keep, once it is a promise it must be kept. Promise of a help to struggling man is like seeing a sudden light in a dark tunnel, failing on that promise leaves the man worse than you met him, it breaks their will power to endure having given them a false hope. Promising what you cannot do is the height of foolish, especially if the fellow is known with that. It soils ones reputation beyond cleanning, it's really a tough stain. Unkept promise(s) kills the will power of the supposedly recipients. It destroys their morale to carry on,it dampens their spirit, distrup plans and ultimately makes the heart weak. Here is a story you need to learn from. One cold night, a billionaire met an old poor man outside. He asked him, “Don't you feel cold without wearing coat?”The old man replied, “I don't have coat, but I