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Showing posts from November 28, 2017


The perseverance  of the Colorado river made the Grand Canyon. The perseverance  of Charles Goodyear gave us the tyres that enable  vehicles  to travel at great speed. The perseverance  of the Wright brothers gave us wing to fly (Aeroplane). The perseverance of Alexander Graham  Bell gave us the power to converse  from great distance (telephone). The perseverance  of Beethoven fills our world  with inspiring  music. The perseverance  of John Milton gave the sweetest  poem that lighten our hearts. The perseverance  of Nelson Mandela gave peace in South Africa. The perseverance of Micheal Faraday  gave us electricity.  The perseverance of Thomas Edison gave us the electric light The perseverance of Abraham Lincoln won him the presidency. The perseverance of Jesus Christ  brought salvation What will your perseverance bring?              

Bend In The Road

Is But A Bend In The Road by Helen Steiner Rice When we feel we have nothing left to give And we are sure that the "song has ended"-- When our day seems over and the shadows fall And the darkness of night has descended, Where can we go to find the strength To valiantly keep on trying, Where can we find the hand that will dry The tears that the heart is crying-- There's but one place to go and that is to God And, dropping all pretense and pride, We can pour out our problem without restraint And gain strength with Him at our side-- And together we stand at life's crossroads And view what we think is the end, But God has a much bigger vision And he tells us it's only a bend-- For the road goes on and is smoother, And the "pause in the song" is a "rest," And the part that's unsung and unfinished Is the sweetest and richest and best-- So rest and relax and grow stronger, Let go and let God share your load, Your