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Showing posts from January 9, 2019

How to Keep a good personality. Reach out for your goals; If at first you dont succeed, try again.

If you want to better yoursef and your personality, here are some suggestions.  Do one thing at a time, shoot for one goal at a time.  Live in the present; grasp today fully.  Forget the mistakes of yesterday; let them be gone forever.  Stop nagging yourself and others.  Seek self improvement earnestly.  Cultivate self respect through a honest self-appraisal.  Learn to listen to others, it liberates you from been bias.  Reach out for your goals; If at first you dont succeed, try again.  Venture into conversations, do not be timid even if you make a mistake.  Exercise imagination and initiative to achieve success.  Keep your self image regulated, let it pulse and enthusiasm never fall with despair.  Finally: Never forget to spend a moment every day thanking God that you can feel great about your self.