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Showing posts from August 9, 2019

Seven things that could destroy any nation. To destroy people you don't need an army, just destroy their moral standards.

1. Politics without Principle:  This has affected so many countries especially in Africa and in a few other continents as it makes a nation deteriorate. 2. Pleasure without conscience : When people pursue pleasure without a sense of guilt, that nation will start to deteriorate. The greatest nation according to history was ROME. Rome was the most powerful nation because they ruled the whole world. Rome had an undefeatable military, they colonized the entire world, but they were defeated by their own immoralities. Rome was defeated from within not external forces. Out of 14 Caesars, 12 of them were homosexuals, Rome became a sex pool. To destroy people you don't need an army, just destroy their moral standards. Rome became a home for immorality which lead to its fall. 3. Wealth without Work: When people get wealth without work or creating value, but with fraud, gimmicks, and gambling, such nation is deteriorating. God created man to experience profit through labor. God h