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Showing posts from June 11, 2018

FEAR.Fear is that little dark room where negatives are developed.

The only thing I am afraid of is fear. Fear causes procrastination. It divides our focus and weakens. It can even make one feel isolated. Fear is that little dark room where negatives are developed. Fear causes one to draw back from situations. Its brings on mediocrity. It dulls creativity. It sets one up to be a loser in life. Fear robs one of our potential and prevents us from moving forward towards our purpose in life. As long as I continue to stretch my capabilities, as long as I continue to take risk in making my dreams come true, I am going to experience fear (Dr Susan Jeffries) Anytime you try to move forward into new territory on the success journey, there is a chance that you will fail. Your attempt to move forward may also make you look foolish, and the thought of that probably makes you nervous. That's all right, just about every person  who ever achieved something of value faced fear and moved forward anyway. True heroes are the men and women who conquer