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Showing posts from January 8, 2018

Who is a fool?

Have you ever wondered whom a fool is? Have you ever examined if you are one? Here are some qualities to examine if you are actually a fool! A short tempered man is a fool Only a fool despises his fathers advice. A fool knows about the future and tells everyone in details. A fool can be identified by the way he walks down the street. A fool is quick-tempered A fool thinks he needs no advice. A fool makes a promise to the lord before counting the cost. In the mouth of a fool a proverb becomes as useless as a paralysed leg. A fool argues with a rebel using fool words A dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats in folly A fool is being proud about plotting evil instead of covering his mouth in shame. A wise man does not display his knowledge but fool display his foolishness. A man who commits adultery is an utter fool. A fool is been flattered by vain words A fool refuses to be taught or corrected. Have you ever been a fool? Remember it is safer to meet a bear rob