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Showing posts from April 22, 2018

Path to success: Let nothing and no one distract you in your formative years as you climb this rung of the success

Be consistent and unwavering in your efforts. Let nothing and no one distract you in your formative years as you climb this rung of the success ladder for one false step, one wrong move, will hurtle you downwards and negate all your efforts towards the realization of your ambition. A lot of thought, advice and guidance must have gone into your choice of a career be it medicine, engineering, computers or any related discipline. That was just the first step in concertizing your lifetime, hard work, discipline and, above all, perseverance in achieving your target. And it is no easy task, believe me. Having chosen your goal, you must taken one step at a time. You must, to begin with, possess the grit and the determination to see it through at all costs. This calls for consistency as well as introspection. You must assess your strengths as well as weaknesses; your assets and liabilities: your plus and minus points. What would, in the ultimate analysis, impel you to move closer to your goal