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Showing posts from February 4, 2018

The trick to Persistence. If you try something and it doesn't work, do not try again until you have figured out why you failed

Life's way of testing your true beliefs is to make things difficult. The only thing you can do is persist. Once you have made the decision to persist, and you reach  the other side, simply pushing through a difficulty is never as bad as it seemed at the time. Although persistence is critical, however there is a bit more to it than simply persisting. You should never give up on your dreams, but if you know something just isn't working, it is vital to stop doing it and try a new approach. Persistence is important for success but it's essential to be open minded and flexible in how you set about achieving it. If you try something and it doesn't work, do not try again until you have figured out why you failed

Pay the price! In life, anything worthwhile comes for a price

Passion is meaningless without commitment. Commitment is what takes a passionate dream and makes it real. It drives you to keep going despite the barrier in your way. Above all else, commitment means accepting what you have to do to reach your dream. In life, anything  worthwhile comes for a price. Paying the price means paying your dues in time, sweat, tears and discipline. We all must suffer from one of the two pains, the pains of discipline or the pain of regret. We must suffer the pain of discipline to achieve what we want or the pain of regret at not achieving it. The difference is that the pain of discipline weighs ounces, while the pain of regret weights tones. Take your self forward to the end of your life and imagine yourself in that weight of regret. It's not a pleasant thought. All it takes to shift that weight is some discipline and commitment now. Discipline will make your dreams real and make them real now. "There is a price for everything. You need to find