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Showing posts from January 25, 2018

The Power of Uniqueness. Your uniqueness is what makes you stand out.

Being Unique means making the conscious and definite choice to go against the grain and risk sticking your neck out. People who will succeed have to be resilient and courageous to go against the grain, to be non conformist, and to be unique in the face peer pressure. Your uniqueness is what makes you stand out. It is what makes people  choose you rather than a competitor. Successfull people knows the power of uniqueness and they make sure they use it

Dream birth goals. Without a dream you cannot have a goal, Without a goal, you'll never take any positive action

If you don't have dream of your own, you'll work all your life to fulfill someone else's dream. Dreaming cost you nothing while not dreaming will cost you everything. Without a dream you cannot have a goal. Without a goal, you'll never take any positive action, without any positive action, nothing will happen to bring you closer to your dream. If you are going to dream, you, you may as well dream big. The bigger your dream, the more excited and motivated you will be to  actually begin on the road to reaching it. An exciting dream motivates us and keeps us going when things get difficult. If you always have that dream in mind everything you do will take you closer to your goal. It is always better to set a single life goal and achieve it, compare that to setting no goal or a hundred goals and achieving nothing through your life. When you have your goal, figure out what price you will have to pay to achieve it. Everything worthwhile has some sort of price , it