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Showing posts from December 1, 2017


I realised that the consciousness  of life should not be in present circumstances, the real consciousness  about life should be in what is happening within. Life is live from the inside to the outside. Those words really does not mean much to me until recently  I was under the tutelage of the Holy spirit,he came Knocking at the door of my heart; of course I let him in with a long conversation where he kept stressing to me that "The consciousness of what I carry in me determines  the eventualities  of happenings around me". He reminded me that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. He said to me if the consciousness  of my thought  life will change for  good, then things will begin to happen fast in my  physical world. Then I jacked back to my consciousness,yes but the message has been passed I have learnt to carry the right consciousness within because that will guarantee good happening  in my physical world.