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Showing posts from June 13, 2018


Namba is a small and drought-stricken village in Southern part of Angola, a Seventh Day Adventist missionary who spent nearly a lifetime in Africa established a mission in this village. This white missionary left and for some years the mission was under the care of a local director. One year the rains failed to come, the crops did not grow, and the mission stores were emptied and no money to buy food if it could have been found. The mission director had been away for some weeks on a trip visiting distant mission schools. The believers at the Missao Adventista da Namba came to the end of their resources and food supply. The director's wife called the families together and told them the situation. Then she read to the people the promises of the Lord and told them of the manna which had been sent by God to His people in the time of Moses, assuring them that God could send them food in the same way, if necessary. After prayer, a little girl, about five years of


Namba is a small and drought-stricken village in Southern part of Angola, a Seventh Day Adventist missionary who spent nearly a lifetime in Africa established a mission in this village. This white missionary left and for some years the mission was under the care of a local director. One year the rains failed to come, the crops did not grow, and the mission stores were emptied and no money to buy food if it could have been found. The mission director had been away for some weeks on a trip visiting distant mission schools. The believers at the Missao Adventista da Namba came to the end of their resources and food supply. The director's wife called the families together and told them the situation. Then she read to the people the promises of the Lord and told them of the manna which had been sent by God to His people in the time of Moses, assuring them that God could send them food in the same way, if necessary. After prayer, a little girl, about five years of