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Showing posts from December 14, 2017



THAT SINGLE FRIEND. .Who is that one true friend whom you value so much, this is dedicated to him or her. Enjoy this


The Emperor Moth as its name suggests is the most majestic species among all the moths. It has wide wings spanning out majestically when it flies. Before it can become a full grown moth, it has to be pupa in a cocoon. Now the very interesting fact about the Emperor moth cocoon is that the neck of the cocoon is especially narrow. In other that it can become a moth, the pupa of this Emperor moth must squeeze it way out of the narrow neck. One day while watching a poor pupa trying to struggle it way out of the cocoon, a "kind" scientist decided to help by using a scalpel to cut and widen the neck so that it would be easier for the pupa to come out. Sure enough it came out without much of a struggle but the poor moth was not able to fly when it came out. It could only crawl on the ground, after few days it died crawling on the ground instead of spending its life flying in the sky with its majestic wings! It was later found out that in order for it to be able to fly it has