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Showing posts from February 25, 2019

Creating Value to Maximize Your Life. Creating value is really about helping others, and the best place to start is investing more time and positive energy into all your relationships.

 Have you ever met someone whose life constantly seemed to be   falling to pieces ? They seemingly can’t do anything right and always feel like things are getting worse. And, unfortunately for them, they’re right. Alternately, most of us have known someone for whom things always seem to work out. It’s like everything they touch turns to gold, and their lives just seem to get better and better. And the fact is, their lives  are  getting better and better. The difference in these two types of people lies in timeless principle. We reap what we sow, and we get out of life what we put into it. Call it karma, call it the Golden Rule, the Law of Attraction or the Law of Reciprocity – it’s a universal principle that has remained constant through the ages. The value we get from life is equal to the value we create. That’s just how it works. The key for all of us is to start the process of value creation ASAP, and to continue expanding it throughout our lives. Engage more deeply ea