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Showing posts from January 12, 2018

How To Dress.

If you want to be one of  the top people in your business, dress like the top people. Groom youself like the top people. Organise your work, habits, the way they do. Pick the most successfull people in your field and use them as your role models. If possible, go to them and ask them for advice on how to get ahead more rapidly. One of the best way to do this is to read their book or any of their materials, listen to their tapes. When you start to start to walk, talk, dress, and behave like the top people, you soon begins to feel like the top people. You will treat people like the top people do. You will work the  way top people work, you will start to get the results that the top people get, in no time at all you will be one of the top people your self.            Thanks, from Maranatha

You Are Better off

No one is better than you and no one is smarter than you. People are just smarter or better in different areas at different times. Successful people look for the good in every situation. No matter every how many reversals and setbacks they expereience, they expect to to get something good out of every situation that happens to them. They believe that every setback is part of a great plan that is moving them inexorably towards achieving the great success that is inevitable for them.

Attention is the key of life. Wherever your attention goes, your life goes as well.

The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and faith to believe that it is possible (Richard M. Devos) The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that individuals by changing their inner attitudes of mind, can change the outer aspects of their lives. All improvement in your life  comes from changing your beliefs about youself and your possibilities. Personal growth comes from changing our beliefs about what you can do and about what is possible for you. As it happens, your belief about your self are largely  subjective. They are often not based on fact at all, they are the results of information you have taken in through out your life and the way you have processed that information. Your belief have been shaped and formed by your early childhood, your friends and associates, your reading and education, your expereience both positive and negative and a thousand other factors. The worst of all beliefs ar

God is Great.

Tips for success. Have a burning desire for what you want.

Be sure that as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building (Steven Covey). Your aim should be to deliberately and systematically create the cicumstance that raise your self esteem in every thing you do. You should live your life as if you were, already the outstanding person you intend to be sometime In the future.. There is one quality which one must  have in posession to win,  and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to posses it(Napoleon Hill)