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Showing posts from January 10, 2018

Handling the Future at present. Resolve to think about your ideal future most of the time.

Resolve to think about your ideal future most of the time. Remember, the very best of the days of your life lies ahead. The happiest moment moments you Will ever experience are still to come. The highest income you will ever earn is going to materialize in the months and years ahead the future is going to be better than anything that may have happened in your past. There are no limits, the clearer you can be about your long term future the more rapidly you will attract people and circumstances into your life to help make the future a reality. The greater the clarify you have about whom you are and what you want, the more you will achieve and the faster you will reproduce the result in every area of your life. Life is lived from the inside out, the very core of your personality is your values. Your values are what makes you the person you are. Everything you do on the outside is dictated and determined by your values on the inside whether clear or fuzzy. The greater clarity you hav

Truths about your mindset


Truths about your mindset

Truths about Goals part 2. The starting point of all goal attainment is DESIRE.

Goals give you a sense of meaning and purpose. Goals gives you a sense of direction as well. As you move toward your goals you feel happier and stonger, more energized and effective. You feel more competent and confident in yourself and your abilities. Every step you take towards your goals increases your believe that you can set and achieve even bigger goals in the future. ****************************************** The starting point of all goal attainment is DESIRE. You must develop an intense burning desire for your goals if you really want to achieve them. Only when your desire becomes intense enough will you have the energy and the internal drive to overcome all the obstacles that will arise In your path. Success requires two things and two things only. 1)Know exactly what you want. 2)Determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve it and then get busy paying the price.                    THANKS.

A Friend.

A friend that is unique A friend that is one of a kind A friend that is perfect A type of friend who is hard to find A friend that is sweet A friend that is perpetually fair A friend that you know will always be there A friend with an amazing spirit A friend with a striking heart A friend that is trustworthy A friend that is smart A friend that assuages your pair A friend that can dry your tears A friend with unrestricted love A friend that can alleviate your fears A friend with an exquisite smile that could never be ignored A friend that is never been hurtful A friend that is easily adored A friend that is respectful A friend who is loved by all A friend that is relied upon A friend to never let fall A friend in need, a friend indeed.