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Showing posts from February 10, 2018

Dealing with difficult situation. breathing space gives your unconscious mind the chance to work on the solution

If you wallow in your failure, change your focus and spend a moment contemplating the problems of others in the world. You will suddenly realize that what seemed catastrophic for you doesn't compare with other's problems. Focus on somebody else's problem and work on it, help them to solve it and you'll get a great sense of what's positive about where you are and where you can go. You can also create this mental transformation by looking at what you've achieved to get this far. Stop and reflect on what you have done and give your self a small pat on the back. Everyone's history is full of great solutions to difficult problems. In difficult times, review your past and, draw strength from all those creative decisions you made. It will instantly reduce some of the stress and anxiety and give you a confidence in your ability to come out on top. When a problem is trying to take over your life, try to distance yourself away from it for a while. Catch a movie,

Self Appraisal not comparism


Self Appraisal not comparism

Self Appraisal not comparism