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Showing posts from February 11, 2018

Importance of failure. Failure is a wonderful catalyst for change

Failure is there to make us better, wiser, smarter, more cautious, or even more adventurous. Be realistic about failure and you'll see that it is a tremendous opportunity. You can even become excited about it. Failing gives you the information you need to do better. Most acts of genius comes after years of trying to solve a problem and failing. Yet their ability to learn from their failures has literally created the world we live in today. So how do you make failure your greatest friend? if your back is in a corner, you have no choice but to fight your way out. When you are confronted by failure, you have to act. It's usually at these times you will find breakthrough solutions you would never have considered otherwise. Failure is a wonderful catalyst for change, few of us loves changing for change's sake, usually we have to proceed to accepting it. The discomfort of failure and desperate times, the dry mouth, the anxiety, the knot in the stomach are all motiva