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Showing posts from January 9, 2018

Truth about Goals. Clear goals increase your confidence.

Goals unlock your positive mind and release ideas and energy for goal attainment. Your goals simply drift and makes you flow on the current of life. With goals, you fly like an arrow  straight and true to your target. Clear goals increase your confidence, develop your competence and boost your levels of motivation. "Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement". Living out clear goals is like driving in a thick fog. No matter how powerful or well engineered your car, you drive slowly, incessantly, making little progress on even the smoothest road. Deciding upon your goals clears the fog immediately and allows you to focus and channel your energies and abilities. Clear goals enables you to step on the accelerator of your own life and race ahead rapidly towards achievement, more of what you really want. Like a computer, your goal seeking mechanism is non judgemental. It works automatically and continuously to bring you what you want, regardless of what you program in

Greatest Discovery in human history. "YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OF THE TIME".

Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is the power of your mind to create almost every aspect of tour life. The greatest summary statement of all religious, all philosophies, metaphysics, psychology and success is this:  "YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST OF THE TIME". Your outer world ultimately becomes a reflection of your inner world and mirrors back to what you think about. Whatever you think about perpetually emerges in your reality.

Greatest discoveries about life you should be aware of

There are important ideas and strategies ever discovered for achieving everything that you could ever want in life. You'll find that there are no limits to what you can accomplish except for the limits you place on your own imagination. And since there are no limits to what you can imagine, there are no limits to what you can achieve. This is one of the greatest discoveries of all. I have discovered that your time and your life are precious. The biggest waste of time and life is for you to spend years accomplishing things you could have achieved in only a few months. I have  discovered that the potential of an average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new Continent unexplored, a world of possibility waiting to be released and channeled towards some great good (Brian Tracy ) I have found over and over that a person of average intelligence with clear goals will run circles around genius who is not sure of what he or she really wants.