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Showing posts from February 1, 2018

Live The Life you love

If you understand that you have control  of your acts and reaction, you not only get better results , but you also have a much better journey through life. Isn't it better to go through life with the knowledge and belief that you are not a victim of circumstance but are in control of your choices. ****************************************** History is filled with stories of people who have succeeded after years of failures. These people had faith in what they were doing despite failing and being attacked by those who doubted. What keeps all achievers going is their optimistic faith in what they believe they can do not focusing on what they cannot do or control. ****************************************** Life rewards excellence, you will never be excellent or rich unless you absolutely, passionately love what you are doing ****************************************** Do not be afraid to abandon the ship and take a long swim when the passion is gone and the excitement has

Developing the younger generation


Developing the younger generation

Belief.Belief is nothing but a state-a feeling of certainty-that governs behavior.

Belief is nothing but a state-a feeling of certainty-that governs behavior. The birth of excellence begins with our awareness that our beliefs are a choice. You can choose beliefs that limit you, or you can choose beliefs that support you. The biggest misconception people often have of belief is that it's a static, intellectual concept, an understanding that's divorced from action and results. Nothing could be further from the truth. Belief is the doorway to excellence precisely because there's nothing divorced or static about it. Beliefs come from a variety of sources: 1) ENVIRONMENT may be the single most potent generator of belief ghettos, on the one hand, supporting environments that help foster beliefs about being "special" on the other. 2) EVENTS, SMALL OR LARGE-like Kennedy's assassination, and personal events we'll never forget. 3) KNOWLEDGE is one of the ways to break the shackles of a limiting environment. 4) OUR PAST RESULTS- knowing