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Showing posts from July 19, 2018

On your Success Journey! You can pay now and play later or you can play now and pay later. Both either way, you are going to have to pay.

As you make progress on the success journey, you will frequently find yourself standing  at crossroads, and each time you do, you''ll have to make a decision. Usually, you have three choices : gain something, lose something or trade something. ************************************* "You have to give up to go up" .People who want to move forward without making any sacrifice gets stuck at the crossroads and never go anywhere further in the success journey. ************************************* You can pay now and play later or you can play now and pay later. Both either way, you are going to have to pay. ************************************* No quality will ever serve you better on the success journey than CHARACTER. There is no substitute for character, you can buy brains, but you cannot buy character. It will not only help you go far, but it will help you to make the right decision along the way. ************************************* There is someth