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Showing posts from June 20, 2020

What is your identity. Your identity will be tied to whatever you give your heart to.

So the question is simple, WHO ARE YOU, or better still let me toll the line of my master who asked certain people similar question as this , WHO DO PEOPLE SAY YOU ARE. Understand that :YOUR IDENTITY WILL BE TIED TO WHATEVER YOU GIVE YOUR HEART TO. Let me put in another way for you, whatever you put your heart to will  take a physical form and an outward manifestation thus it certainly becomes your identity. I am sure you have heard people say these about certain man that you know or knew 😅😅 " something like that man runs after practically anything in skirt, man yen ti like obinrin ju" such man had given his heart to women, it has become his identity. I know of people and the  testament about them is that they love to help others . Giving a helping hand became their identity. "Man yen feran owo" (that fellow loves money) is the testament about some other persons, in fact he will never offer to help you except money is involved. The problem is that that is what h