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Showing posts from November 21, 2018

Traits of Highly Effective mind. Whatever you set your sights upon, discipline is the vehicle that will get you there.

An effective mindset is one that makes the best use of available resources – your time, energy and efforts – and uses them to create positive change. It’s not about trying to do everything and be everything; it’s making the very best of what you have while enjoying the process of living. Here are seven effective traits and behaviors of such a mindset: 1.  Enjoys and appreciates the present moment. Happiness is a mindset that can only be designed into the present. It’s not a point in the future or a moment from the past; but sadly, this misconception hurts the masses. So many young people seem to think that happiness awaits them in the years ahead, while so many older people believe that their best moments are behind them. The truth is, the greater part of your happiness or misery depends solely upon your attitude towards any given moment, regardless of the events contained within. You need much less than you think you need to be happy, and you usually have a lot more than you th