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Showing posts from February 14, 2018

Gaining Mastery. Get a reputation for speed and urgency, and you'll be amazed how it will repay you.

If you become a master at your trade, you will be able to do it better and quicker than anyone else, and this will build your reputation. Get a reputation for speed and urgency, and you'll be amazed how it will repay you. Moving fast allows you to take opportunities you might otherwise miss, it minimizes the cost of on going problems, and it instil passion and urgency in your staff. It is essential because if you don't act quickly on things that matters, your life and business will stagnate. If it needs doing tomorrow do it today and then get onto the next task To become rich, your long term goal is to become self employed, owning and operating your own businesses. Having this mentality before you embark on this is important because without it you are going to find the transition very difficult. To become rich you must become a master of recognizing peoples needs and desires, and of finding ways to satisfy them. If you can consistently do that quicker, cheaper, better and m