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Showing posts from September 25, 2018

The Power of Ideas and Leadership. All leaders have these two things in common :They are going somewhere, and they are able to persuade others to go with them.

Influence Others: Every thing rises and falls on leadership because a person's ability to make things happen in and through others depends entirely on their ability to lead them. Without leadership, there is no team work, and people go thier own way. If you dream big, you will require the teamwork of a group of people, then any potential leaders you select to go with you on the journey will need to be people of influence. That's what leadership is - Influence. And when you think about it, all leaders have these two things in common :They are going somewhere, and they are able to persuade others to go with them. There is nothing powerful than an idea whose time has come. Idea are the greatest resource a successful person could ever have, and when you surround yourself with creative people, you are never at loss for inspiring ideas. If you and the people around you continually generate good ideas, all of you have better opportunities to reach your potential. Fro