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Showing posts from May 15, 2018

How to Master your Mind: Part 2- Evicting the Inner Critic the Worrier and the Worries

If you read Part One , then you will already understand and be able to identify some of the most destructive squatters running your thoughts. In order to master you mind, you must learn how to evict them. There is a diminishing effect that will happen if you eliminate these squatters in the order presented. Each one evicted will decrease the presence of the next one or of all of them. How to Master Your Mind. You are the thinker and the observer of your thoughts . You must pay attention to your thoughts so you can identify “who” is running the show; this will determine which technique you will want to use. Begin each day with the intention of paying attention to your thoughts and catching yourself when you are thinking undesirable thoughts. In the first part, I told you that there were two ways to control your thoughts : 1. Interrupt and replace them, or 2. You can eliminate them altogether with conscious breathing. Use Technique A with the Inner Critic and Worrier and Techniqu