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Showing posts from December 27, 2017

Gratitude is our culture at maranathatalks blogspot com


Gratitude is our culture at maranathatalks blogspot com


The people who gets on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, they make them. (George Bernard Shaw) ****************************************** Being defected is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. (Marilyn Vos Savan) ****************************************** There is one qualify which  one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. ( Napoleon Hill) ****************************************** Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possibility. ( Dr. Norman Vincent Peale)


ONE I want a ripe apple; I want a ripe apple dad.”I said as I ran towards my father who was watering the plants in his orchard just behind the main house.”You want a ripe apple?”my dad asked. I nodded in affirmation just to catch him glimpsing at me. He smiled, dropped the watering can on the floor and said “Now, show me how bad you want to get the ripe apple”. It was as though i was waiting to hear those words from him; I held his hands and ran with him towards the apple tree. I pointed at a ripe one and turned back to look at my dad. He smiled and said “c’mon, I’m waiting to see how you want to get it”. I began to jump up severally. I ran around the tree looking for where to place my little hands so i could start climbing. I started running but then my dad caught me and said” i see you really want a ripe apple, and for what you’ve done, you deserve a ripe apple....daddy’s going to get one for his little angel this time”. Mum came out to watch us when dad started climbing th