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I want a ripe apple; I want a ripe apple dad.”I said as I ran towards my father who
was watering the plants in his orchard just behind the main house.”You want a ripe
apple?”my dad asked. I nodded in affirmation just to catch him glimpsing at me. He smiled, dropped the watering can on the floor and said “Now, show me how bad you want to get the ripe apple”. It was as though i was waiting to hear those words from him; I held his hands and ran with him towards the apple tree. I pointed at a ripe one and turned back to look at my dad. He smiled and said “c’mon, I’m waiting to see how you want to get it”. I began to jump up severally. I ran around the tree looking
for where to place my little hands so i could start climbing.
I started running but then my dad caught me and said” i see you really want a ripe apple, and for what you’ve done, you deserve a ripe apple....daddy’s going to get one for his little angel this time”.
Mum came out to watch us when dad started climbing the tree. When he noticed
her from where she stood, he winked at her and she blew him a kiss. He was almost
there, almost reaching out to pluck the ripe apple when a red-head ant bit him on his
toe. I could tell from his reaction and the way he cried out that it was really painful.
Mum rushed towards us just to help him get down from the tree. I thought he was also going to get down but he bluntly refused. He ignored the pain and stretched fully this time reaching the apple until he plucked it out. I saw how he smiled even though he was still on the tree and still in pains. When he finally got down, he gave me the apple and said ”Now, that is how you go about getting your ripe apple, you might get hurt, disappointed or talked out of getting it just like your mum did. But always look at the ripe apple, imagine what it would be like when you finally get it.
Then go get it. As the train whistled when it approached the next station, i became aware of my environment. I’d missed my parents so much, though it’s been ten years now since they got involved in a fatal car accident and the whole idea of the ripe apple thing just began to make total sense to me. My name is Juliana Thomas and I’m on my way to get a ripe apple.
Sitting in the coach for hours made my legs begin to cramp. I tried stretching them
but couldn’t because a man sleeping just directly in front of me had already stretched his legs to full length. Pause!!Did i just say a man? I stopped trying to stretch my legs just to observe this guy. With the way he stretched those legs, i could tell he was tall. He happened to be light skinned, had dark curly hair which was dishevelled. He had a piercing on his left ear and wore a large diamond ring on his left little finger; his beards looked like they just began to sprout out though i could still perceive the scent of his aftershave. His clothes... OMG!!!He just opened his eyes...ooh! He has big eyeballs and...Damn!!...He caught me staring.
I smiled at him since i didn’t know what to say when he caught me staring. He just
kept looking at me without saying a word or even smiling back at me. He stared as though he could see through my soul. I felt really uncomfortable and excused myself. I left our coach not knowing where i was going; i was just walking while trying to brace myself from falling due to the unstable movement of the train. I located the restroom so i could sit in there for some minutes but the choking smell that welcomed me the moment i opened the door made me shut it almost immediately. Great!!So if i wanted to pee, I’ll have to wait till we get to the next station. Arrgh!!!City full of fools. I’m leaving the city get a ripe apple i reminded myself. With that on my mind, i went back to the coach only to meet the light skinned smoking. Ooh!! How i detest smokers. I sat down trying my best not to block my nose so he wouldn’t feel offended but i just couldn’t stand the smell. He noticed my reaction and threw the cigarette out of the window. He kept on looking at me the way he did before that made me uncomfortable and finally asked ‘You don’t smoke"? I nodded and smiled. Then he said ’’My name is Jude Washington, you are?’’.Wow!!His name sounds foreign, I wonder if his parents actually gave him that because he doesn’t look anything foreign.’’Helloo!! A penny for your thoughts missy’’, he said waving his hands directly at my face. I was already staring blankly into space again.’’Oooh! What did you say?’’I asked. He repeated, this time smiling ‘what is your name pretty?’.I held my breath for a second and breathed out forcefully. Pretty? Did he just call me pretty?.I replied him quickly this time before i could get lost in my thoughts once more. ‘My name is Juliana Thomas ‘I replied. He smiled exposing his lovely white dentitions and said ‘what a beautiful name for a pretty lady’’. Pretty lady? What makes this guy keep calling me a pretty lady. I wasn’t wearing any makeup on, no jewelleries, body hugs, fragrance, not even a balm on my lips or was it the way i made my braids or could he just be flirting with me. All this thoughts kept running through my mind. When i was done, i caught him staring and immediately he said’’ Let’s go get lunch or what do you suggest?’’. Lunch? I haven’t even had breakfast yet and it’s already noon. I swallowed hard as i remembered i wasn’t having enough money. It was as though he read through my mind. Then he said with his hands stretched out ’’Consider it my treat’’. I sighed and placed my hand on his as he held me closely leading me to the cafeteria.

To be continued.......



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