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Showing posts from October 22, 2018

The right mindset. Examine your mindset by looking at your current belief-system. Are these beliefs supporting you? Or are there self limiting beliefs ? You have to identify those possible blocks and turn them around.

What is a Mindset? Your mindset is the sum of your knowledge, including beliefs and thoughts about the world and yourself in it. It is your filter for information you get in and put out. So it determines how you receive and react information. It’s often used for a specific part in your life, as in “the mindset of an entrepreneur” or “the growth mindset”. And having the right mindset for what you go for is often the biggest factor. Developing the right mindset is then the way learning something new and strip out the most relevant information. Then you develop the beliefs that are most helpful for where you want to go or how you want to be. This belief-system is then your mindset. And I think a good mindset will reflect reality and will help you. But not in that order. I think the order has to be like this: 1. Find the beliefs that are most supportive 2. Check if the beliefs are in harmony with (a potential) reality You want to use your mindset to make a positive change . That