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Showing posts from March 8, 2018

MINDSET :Due next Thursday? No problem! I'll start The day before . Procrastinator's mind.

Mindset Make up your mind. Do you want a mindset made for this Earth  or one of a different kind? Why do you worry about clothes... that won't even matter when you're dead. Who's going to remember what you wore or if you had on Michael Kors? Soon his name will be forgotten as well, gone and left with no more products to sell. Double Standards From everyone you talk to you say you want the truth yet when I demand it from you you vehemently refuse. Does the rule only apply to others but not to you? If so, why bother imposing if you don’t follow it too? How can there be order if this is what you do? If anything, it’s insane! That, can’t you deduce? If you really value truth then you must be, yourself, practising such honesty in every story you tell. Boundaries Boundaries are in our minds The land is for us to inhabit Peace will prevail If we transcend our mind’s boundaries Procrastinator's Mindset Due next Thursday? No problem! I'll start 

5 Principles to Unleash Your Power of Communication Learning to communicate successfully is the foundation for a happy life.

5 Principles to Unleash Your Power of Communication Learning to communicate successfully is the foundation for a happy life. What could be more important than acquiring a strong command of our communication?  We know that these skills are essential for enjoying successful relationships, building prosperous careers, and attaining genuine  self-esteem . Learning to communicate effectively--and convincingly--provides us with the opportunity to live a fearless and  resilient  life.  Here are 5 primary principles that can unleash your personal power.   Principle 1.   Surrender the NEED to be right            In marital  counseling  I may at times ask people: Would you rather be right or rather be happy? Although virtually everyone says they would prefer  happiness , the battle soon retreats to right vs. wrong. We turn our relationships into a debate. If you pause and consider it, it’s really insane isn’t it?  The very fact that we’d mindlessly choose to win an argument at the cost

How To Use The Power Of Communication. Always look for ways to build connections between people — especially when there’s a lack of common work goals and interests.

In my work as a mentor, I often come across varied people, who discuss their great informal meet-ups, their poorly went conferences, the super success video con-calls. What is the reason behind the extremities of situation? The answer is: how you use the power of communication. Communication is that simple and that complicated. It is the speaking skills that either forms an image of you as a change agent, reliable and sturdy employee or a frail, requiring supervision worker. Always look for ways to build connections between people — especially when there’s a lack of common work goals and interests. Open office layouts, group get-togethers, team outings, and retreats can encourage collaboration and sharing. Here are 5 pointers for the colossal communication to get you there: Self-check. A good communication has no alternative. So, to get it right it is crucial to ensure that you are ready to speak the right thing. A smart step is to check one’s confidence level, awareness, an