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Showing posts from May 11, 2018

How to measure success. The measure of a successful life isn’t your job title, the size of your house, or the beautiful things you can afford. True success is living the life that is authentic to who you are.

Last year my good friend captured this beautiful candid moment with my then 4-month-old daughter Zoe. When I saw it for the first time, tears began streaming down my face. These weren’t tears of sadness, rather tears of immense joy. This picture captured me arriving at a place of inner peace, calm, and happiness that I had spent most of my life searching for. You see, I had spent too many years living the life I thought was expected of me, rather than the life that was true to me. I had always looked up to my father and wanted to model his success as an entrepreneur. So I got my business degree, and by 25, I had built a million-dollar human resources company. I exhausted myself striving for perfection—the perfect house, perfect family, perfect body. The money came in, and I filled my life with stuff—expensive stuff. But it was never enough. The newness always wore off and I soon needed something better to make me feel good. My penchant for new and better stuff left