The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and faith to believe that it is possible (Richard M. Devos)
The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that individuals by changing their inner attitudes of mind, can change the outer aspects of their lives.
All improvement in your life comes from changing your beliefs about youself and your possibilities. Personal growth comes from changing our beliefs about what you can do and about what is possible for you.
As it happens, your belief about your self are largely subjective. They are often not based on fact at all, they are the results of information you have taken in through out your life and the way you have processed that information. Your belief have been shaped and formed by your early childhood, your friends and associates, your reading and education, your expereience both positive and negative and a thousand other factors.
The worst of all beliefs are self limiting beliefs, if you believe yourself to be limited in some way whether or not it is true, it becomes true for you. If you believe it, you will act as if you were deficient in that particular area of talent or skill. Overcoming self limiting beliefs and self imposed limitations is often the biggest obstacle standing between you and the realisation of your full potential.
Thanks, from MARANATHA.
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