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A healthy Mindset. having a healthy mind is the most important factor in truly being your healthiest self. In order to create this healthy mindset, we have to make simple daily choices that turn into habits.

Do you consider yourself healthy? Many of us are made to believe that being healthy is limited to exercising and having a balanced diet. While leading a healthy life does include these two vital components, having a healthy mind is the most important factor in truly being your healthiest self. In order to create this healthy mindset, we have to make simple daily choices that turn into habits. Having a healthy mind leads to a healthy body.
Accept yourself
Low self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth are dangerously common in today’s society. Feeling this way is completely understandable with the constant bombardment of social media inserting its idea of ‘beauty’ into our everyday lives. What is beautiful is not defined by physicality, but instead, by the qualities you possess as a person. Accepting yourself for who you are may seem hard and it is a step by step process. That being said, when you strive to be the best version of yourself, for yourself, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can learn to love yourself for who you are. Remember that even your flaws make up the person that you are, accept them and embrace them – they make you unique. Your uniqueness is what makes you different from others..... So don't part with it. 
Eat healthily
It may seem like a very simple thing to do, but many of us get off track with our eating and don’t realise the effect that it has on our mind. Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated are vital to the functioning of your body and mind. Try to steer clear from processed foods as they are filled with chemicals that negatively affect your brain. Eating clean, healthy and wholesome foods will make you feel better about yourself inside and out, in turn making you happier. Eating on time too is vital no matter how busy your schedule is, always find time to eat, not just eat, but at the right time. 
Surround yourself with positive people
Your family and friends are those who help, listen and understand you best. Being around people who you love and appreciate and who reciprocate this feeling help to keep your mental health in check. Be sure to make time to socialise with friends and family, especially when you’re feeling down – spending this time with them will give you a greater sense of wellbeing and sense of self-worth. If you are surrounding yourself with people who aren’t making you happy or negatively affecting your mood, you may need to evaluate your friendships. Don’t be afraid to let go of relationships that no longer serve you, that intimidates you, that choke you. Relate with people who will encourage you to get better. 
Do what you love
Sometimes we get caught up in our everyday routines and forget to make time for ourselves and doing the things that make us happy. Find a hobby, whether it be painting, cooking, reading, hanging out with friends or playing sport, doing things that you love or that you are good at, give you a purpose in life. Dedicating time to yourself and the things you love will help you to cope with stress, focus your mind, and allow you to express yourself, making yourself and your mind happier.
Express yourself
Talking about your feelings is an important part of keeping a clear and healthy mind. There is a reason you feel the way you do. Bottling your feelings up with only congest your mind leaving you feeling depressed. Communicating helps us process our emotions and move on with a clearer and happier mind. If you don’t like to talk about your feelings, write them down in a journal. You’ll feel like a weight has been lifted just by expressing them.
Embrace the little things.
Sometimes we make things out to be bigger in our minds than what they really are and by focussing too much on the ‘big’ problems we start to stress and forget about the little things that make everyday life so great. Make sure to take time to yourself, to relax and meditate and do the things that make you truly happy.
Make every experience a learning experience
Typically, when we fail at something we want to shut down and give up. We know how hard it is not to dwell on our failures, but try to use these experiences to learn for the future and succeed. Each failure teaches us a lesson, thus making us more knowledgeable people and more open people. Both your failures and successes are important in creating who you are, your failures and successes make you a more rounded and ultimately happier person. You’ve got this!


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