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Travel far and fast! Then travel light

We live in an imperfect world and because of that as long as we live we won't see a time when everything we do is rewarded justly. Even when truth and justice are on your side, you may never be able to right your wrongs. Continually fighting your rights in an imperfect world can make you resentful, angry, hateful and bitter. The destructive emotions sap your energies and make you negative and besides when you focus on your rights, you are often looking backward rather than foward. You cannot make any progress when you are facing the wrong way.
"If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light" (Glen Clark). Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness , selfishness and fear.

When you stop worrying about your rights and you turn your focus in the right  direction, you will have move forward on the journey. You recognise the wrong, but you forgive and focus on what you can control, your responsibilities. Doing that increases your energy, builds your potential and improves your prospect.


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