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See how Far you have gone!!

  A throwback photo says a lot about how far we have come. Sometimes, we don't believe we are making progress, because we are still in the same city, living in the same house, wearing the same clothes, or seeing the same people. WE, you and I, are the greatest progress we have made this year! The proof that we are going far is that we already made it this far. Good morning Team Maranatha. Look at how far we have come!😃 Happy New Month!
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Developing Capacity. Don't let whom you are now stop you from pursuing the possibility you have to become more

Promotion is a prove that you have outgrown a phase. To develop capacity is to be trusted with more. To be trusted with more comes with responsibilities . Don't pray for greatness if you can't handle criticism. If you are not ready to roar, don't pray to be a lion. If you are not ready to soar, don't pray to be an eagle. Don't pray for riches if you are not ready to be generous. Don't pray for success if you cannot do what it takes to sustain it. Don't pray for God to use you, if you cannot be dead to self. God only use dead men, they are called living sacrifice. Don't pray for a wife or husband if you are not ready to take responsibility. Don't ask for children if you are not ready to sacrifice. Don't aspire to be a skydiver if you are afraid of height. Don't aspire to lead others, if you can't lead your self. Don't aspire to be a Geologist if you are lazy about going for field work. Don't aspire to be a world sw

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Watch on YouTube here: The power of your mindset towards and how it affects your thought. Via

The power of your mindset towards and how it affects your thought.

Watch on YouTube here: The power of your mindset towards and how it affects your thought. Via

The power of your mindset towards and how it affects your thought.


What is your identity. Your identity will be tied to whatever you give your heart to.

So the question is simple, WHO ARE YOU, or better still let me toll the line of my master who asked certain people similar question as this , WHO DO PEOPLE SAY YOU ARE. Understand that :YOUR IDENTITY WILL BE TIED TO WHATEVER YOU GIVE YOUR HEART TO. Let me put in another way for you, whatever you put your heart to will  take a physical form and an outward manifestation thus it certainly becomes your identity. I am sure you have heard people say these about certain man that you know or knew 😅😅 " something like that man runs after practically anything in skirt, man yen ti like obinrin ju" such man had given his heart to women, it has become his identity. I know of people and the  testament about them is that they love to help others . Giving a helping hand became their identity. "Man yen feran owo" (that fellow loves money) is the testament about some other persons, in fact he will never offer to help you except money is involved. The problem is that that is what h

Covid 19: How to live in a season like this.

Watch on YouTube here: Covid 19: How to live in a season like this. Via

Covid 19: How to live in a season like this.


Covid 19: How to live in a season like this.

Watch on YouTube here: Covid 19: How to live in a season like this. Via

Your Mindset the passport to your success or failure


Your Mindset the passport to your success or failure

Watch on YouTube here: Your Mindset the passport to your success or failure Via

Your Mindset the passport to your success or failure

Watch on YouTube here: Your Mindset the passport to your success or failure Via

CONVID-19 : How to live in seasons like this


CONVID-19 : How to live in seasons like this

Watch on YouTube here: CONVID-19 : How to live in seasons like this Via

CONVID-19 : How to live in seasons like this

Watch on YouTube here: CONVID-19 : How to live in seasons like this Via